Un article de l’équipe “Simulation numérique, modélisation et dynamique moléculaires” vient de paraître dans le journal “FEBS Letters” .

Il a également été choisi comme couverture de cette édition.

Samia Aci-Sèche, Monique Genest, Norbert Garnier
Ligand entry pathways in the ligand binding domain of PPARγ receptor
FEBS Letters – 585 (16) 2599-2603
– doi : 10.1016/j.febslet.2011.07.014


Résumé :
To address the question of ligand entry process, we report targeted molecular dynamics simulations of the entry of the flexible ionic ligand GW0072 in the ligand binding domain of the nuclear receptor PPARγ. Starting with the ligand outside the receptor the simulations led to a ligand docked inside the binding pocket resulting in a structure very close to the holo-form of the complex. The results showed that entry process is guided by hydrophobic interactions and that entry pathways are very similar to exit pathways. We suggest that TMD method may help in discriminating between ligands generated by in silico docking.

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