UPR 4301
Center for Molecular Biophysics, CNRS - Orleans
The Center for Molecular Biophysics (CBM) develops research at the interface of chemistry, biology and physics to study the molecular mechanisms that sustain life or dysfunctions leading to diseases.
All newsA new regulatory mechanism involved in the bacterial response to cold shock
Rho-dependent riboswitches regulate the bacterial response to cold shock.
Contrast agents to combine 1H and 19F MRI
Novel contrast agents that are effective in both proton and fluorine MRI make it possible to combine the information generated by these two techniques and thus improve the quality of the results obtained.
2024, September 27 - Nicolas GIRAUD seminar
"Supramolecular Interactions between Lanthanide Complexes and Proteins Explored by Paramagnetic NMR and Molecular Dynamics."
2024, September 20 - Alain ROUSSEL seminar
"Extracellular vesicles: a powerful tool for studying membrane proteins".
2024, September 13 - Agata NAWROTEK-MAALOUF seminar
"A comparative study of small GTPase regulation on membrane: from in vitro to in vivo systems."
2024, August 30 - Zoltan GARDA seminar
"Small, Fluorinated Mn2+ Chelates as Efficient 1H and 19F MRI Probes"
July 19, 2024 - Thibault Fillion's thesis defense
"Non-equilibrium effects in cell biology: Mathematical and computational modeling of G-protein signal transduction and other biochemical reaction-diffusion networks"
Software is ubiquitous in science, yet overlooked
Software is more than just code. It is time to confront the complexities of icenses, uses, governance, infrastructure and other facets of software in science.
Protein filaments in the regulation of gene expression
The article by Mance et al reveals that several transcription factors in the family called ZBTB form filamentous structures composed of numerous identical molecules arranged in a chain. This discovery challenges traditional conceptions of transcription factors.
A major advance for the use of medical cannabis!
The Centre de Biologie Moléculaire (CBM) works alongside Overseed and Orléans University Hospital on preclinical and clinical research into the therapeutic use of cannabis.
Prochains évènements
Retour à l'agenda13 September 2024
2024, September 13 - Agata NAWROTEK MAALOUF seminar
"A comparative study of small GTpase regulation on membranes: from in vitro to in vivo systems"
20 September 2024
2024, September 20 - Alain ROUSSEL seminar
"Extracellular vesicles: a powerful tool for studying membrane proteins".