Conference – Exomars Mission: Life on the Red Planet – September 5th, 2019, Orléans

05 September 2019 par Isabelle Frapart
Everything you want to know about life on Mars and the Exomars mission but have never dared to ask.

Conference - Exomars Mission: Life on the Red Planet - September 5th, 2019, Orléans

Given the success of the general public conference of Dr. Michel Viso, of the French Space Agency (CNES), a new presentation will take place

Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 18:00 at the Dupanloup Hotel, rue Dupanloup, 45000 Orléans.

With for the first time in France: Exhibition of the real size model of the robot Rosalind Franklin!

Free admission but limited places!

Conférence soutenue par L’ESA, le CNES, le CNRS (l’OSUC, le CBM, le LPC2E), l’Université d’Orléans, LOIRE&ORLÉANS ÉCO, la Région Centre.

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