email : beatrice.vallee[remplacer_par]
Phone : +33
Researcher within the thematic group Cell signalling
- Filtres
Publications (Archives Hal)
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]52
- Chimie/Chimie thérapeutique8
- Chimie/Chimie organique6
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire6
- Chimie3
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire/Biochimie [q-bio.BM]3
- Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Psychologie2
- Sciences de l'Homme et Société2
- Chimie/Catalyse1
- Sciences de l'environnement1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire/Biologie structurale [q-bio.BM]1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire/Génomique, Transcriptomique et Protéomique [q-bio.GN]1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biologie cellulaire1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biotechnologies1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Cancer1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Ingénierie biomédicale/Biomatériaux1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Neurosciences [q-bio.NC]/Neurobiologie1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Autre [q-bio.OT]1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Sciences pharmaceutiques/Pharmacologie1
Bioink CARBOXYPEPTIDASE-Y Cytoskeleton FAMILY Heterocyclic chemistry Kinase LIMK inhibitors LIMKs Mechanism of SUMOylation site selection Medicinal chemistry Model of Nf1-SecPH/Ubc9 interaction Neurofibromin Nf1 and Nf1-SecPH domain SUMOylation Nf1 PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE-BINDING PROTEIN Pyridine Pyrimidine SACCHAROMYCES-CEREVISIAE SCM- and SIM-independent SUMOylation SUMO Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae7
- Heterocyclic chemistry5
- Medicinal chemistry4
- Mechanism of SUMOylation site selection3
- Model of Nf1-SecPH/Ubc9 interaction3
- Neurofibromin Nf1 and Nf1-SecPH domain SUMOylation3
- Nf13
- SCM- and SIM-independent SUMOylation3
- Bioink2
- Cytoskeleton2
- Kinase2
- LIMK inhibitors2
- LIMKs2
- Pyridine2
- Pyrimidine2
- SUMOylation site selection dependent of 3D structure2
- Ubc9 fusion-directed SUMOylation2
- 3D printing1
- 3D structure modelling1
- 3D-bioprinting1
- ATP biosensor1
- Actin dynamics1
- Altrnative splicing1
- Bioavailability1
- Biocapteurs1
- Biosensors1
- Cell migration1
- Cell signaling1
- Cell wall1
- Co-crystallization1
- Cofilin1
- Copper biosensor1
- Cytoskeleton remodelling1
- Cytosquelette1
- Diauxic shift1
- East phenotypic study1
- Engineered living materials1
- Engineered living materials 3D-bioprinting Bioink Hydrogel Pluronic F-127 Saccharomyces cerevisiae1
- Function1
- GTPase activating protein1
- Gold catalysis1
- Hsp1501
- Hydrogel1
- I-C1
- Immunolocalization1
- In vivo preclinical validation1
- Inhibiteurs petites molécules1
- Inhibitors small molecules1
- Interactions1
- Intermediate metabolism1
- LIMK1 and LIMK21
- Limk21
- Localization1
- Mecicinal chemistry1
- Molecular Diversity1
- Molecular modeling1
- Neurite outgrowth1
- Neurofibromin1
- Nitrogen heterocycles1
- Nucleus1
- PEBP/RKIP homologs1
- PEBP/RKIP homologues1
- PLA technique1
- PML bodies1
- Pir proteins1
- Pluronic F-1271
- Pluronic F1271
- Post-translational modifications1
- Protein engineering1
- Protein function1
- Protein-protein interactions1
- Pyrrole1
- Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway1
- Signalling pathways1
- Spiro Compounds1
- Stress response1
- Structure1
Vallée Béatrice69
Bénédetti Hélène34
Bénédetti H.19
Doudeau M.17
Godin F.17
Doudeau Michel15
Godin Fabienne15
Cosson A.12
Plé Karen12
Routier Sylvain11
Braka A.10
Champiré A.9
Bonnet Pascal9
Mosrin-Huaman Christine9
Bourg S.8
Plé K.7
Bergoug M.6
Garnier Norbert6
Routier S.6
Cuberos Hélène5
Sosic Iva5
Godin Fabienne5
Aci-Seche Samia5
Champiré Anthony4
Cubéros H.4
Lelièvre T.4
Schoentgen F.4
Vour’ch P.4
Doudeau Michel4
Vourc'H Patrick4
Vallée B.4
Aci-Sèche S.4
Andres Christian4
Corret Justine4
Bergoug Mohammed3
Bonnet P.3
Bureaud N.3
Castelnau P.3
Godin F3
Riezman Howard3
Tastet Julie3
Bergoug Mohammed3
Buron Frédéric3
Berabez Rayan3
Suskiewicz Marcin3
Marouillat S.3
Serrano Amandine3
Pichon Chantal3
Guégan Régis3
Gombault Aurélie3
Andres C.R.2
Andrés C.2
Braka Abdennour2
Chesné Christophe2
Daligaux Pierre2
Funato Kouichi2
Hammoud Sokaina2
Laroui N2
Pascual A.2
Sainjon M.2
Sošic I.2
Tastet J.2
Zunar Bojan2
Žunar Bojan2
Bonnet-Brilhault Frédérique2
Ruchaud Sandrine2
Vourc’h Patrick2
Suskiewicz Marcin J.2
Bourg Stéphane2
Laumonnier Frédéric2
Braka Abdennour2
Marouillat Sylviane2
Delehedde C2
Morisset-Lopez Séverine2
Goffinont Stéphane2
Normand Thierry2
Midoux Patrick2
Mosrin Christine2
Aci Sèche S.2
Aci-Sèche Samia2
Andres Christian R.2
Thepault R.-A.2
Andres C.1
Andres Chistian1
Andrès C.1
Aurélie Cosson1
Barz Wolfgang1
Blomberg Anders1
Blot Lauren1
Brindeau Pierre1
Brochon J1
Béatrice Josselin1
Bénédetti Hélène1
Caroline Girardin1
Casas D.1
Cassas Déborah1
Celani R.1
Chalal Célina1
Champire Anthony1
Chautard Helene1
- Cells4
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications2
- European Journal of Biochemistry2
- Journal of Molecular Biology2
- Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE1
- Biochemical Journal1
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics1
- Cancer Letters1
- European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry1
- Journal of Peptide Research1
- European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée1
- FEBS Letters1
- FEMS Yeast Research1
- Journal of Proteome Research1
- Molecular Biology of the Cell1
- Molecules1
- Microbial Cell Factories1
- Biomaterials Research1
- Pratiques Psychologiques1
- Structure1
- Neuroscience1
- Biochemistry1
- EMBO Journal1
- Journal of Biological Chemistry1
- Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis1
Année de production
- Université d'Orléans68
- Université de Tours68
- Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale68
- Institut de Chimie - CNRS Chimie68
- Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives18
- University of Zagreb5
- Université de Bourgogne3
- Nantes Université - pôle Santé2
- Université de Genève = University of Geneva2
- Université de Rouen Normandie2
- Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main2
- Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Biologie et Santé de Rennes2
- Biopredic International [Saint-Grégoire]2
- Université d'Angers2
- Université de Rennes1
- Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis1
- Waseda University [Tokyo, Japan]1
- Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Tours1
- Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières1
- Aix Marseille Université1
- Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation [Saumur]1
- Institut national des sciences de l'Univers1
- Observatoire de Paris1
- Institut Pasteur de Lille1
- Hôpital Bretonneau1
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille1
- STMicroelectronics1
- École nationale des ponts et chaussées1
- Università degli Studi dell'Aquila = University of L'Aquila = Université de L'Aquila1
- Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture1
- Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma, Italia] = University of Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italy] = Université de Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italie]1
- Nouvel Hôpital Civil de Strasbourg1
- Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 121
- Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [CHU Lille]1
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes = Nantes University Hospital1
- University Medical Center [Utrecht]1
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique1
- Université de Nantes1
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 61
- Centre de biophysique moléculaire68
- Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique18
- Imaging, Brain & Neuropsychiatry10
- Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie et Immunologie Intégrée Nantes-Angers2
- Department of Biochemistry [Geneva, Switzerland]2
- Synthèse et isolement de molécules bio-actives2
- Laboratoire de Biologie Intégrative des Modèles Marins2
- Service de médecine interne diabète et maladies métaboliqe1
- Centre d’Infection et d’Immunité de Lille - INSERM U 1019 - UMR 9017 - UMR 82041
- Fédération de recherche de Roscoff1
- Niche, Nutrition, Cancer et métabolisme oxydatif1
- Développement des territoires montagnards1
- Service de génétique [Tours]1
- Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans - UMR73271
- Physiologie de la reproduction et des comportements [Nouzilly]1
- Croissance cellulaire, réparation et régénération tissulaires1
- Department of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences1
- Laboratoire de photonique et de nanostructures1
- Laboratoire de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire1
- Laboratoire d'ingénierie des systèmes macromoléculaires1
- Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Mathématiques et Calcul Scientifique1
- Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Sciences, IDI,IRCCS, Biochemistry Laboratory1
- Biosit : biologie, santé, innovation technologique1
- Laboratoire de Neurobiologie1
- Physiopathologie des maladies génétiques d'expression pédiatrique1
- Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel1
Équipes de recherche
73 documents
Article dans une revue32 documents
- Mohammed Bergoug, Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Amandine Serrano, Fabienne Godin, Michel Doudeau, et al.. An Atypical Mechanism of SUMOylation of Neurofibromin SecPH Domain Provides New Insights into SUMOylation Site Selection. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2024, 436 (22), pp.168768. ⟨10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168768⟩. ⟨hal-04771131⟩
- Anthony Champiré, Rayan Berabez, Abdennour Braka, Aurélie Cosson, Justine Corret, et al.. Tetrahydropyridine LIMK inhibitors: Structure activity studies and biological characterization. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2024, 271, pp.116391-116391. ⟨10.1016/j.ejmech.2024.116391⟩. ⟨hal-04575964⟩
- Hélène Bénédetti, Béatrice Vallée. LIM Kinases: From Molecular to Pathological Features. Cells, 2023, 12 (12), pp.1649. ⟨10.3390/cells12121649⟩. ⟨hal-04208415⟩
- Tea Martinić Cezar, Mateja Lozančić, Ana Novačić, Ana Matičević, Dominik Matijević, et al.. Streamlining N-terminally anchored yeast surface display via structural insights into S. cerevisiae Pir proteins. Microbial Cell Factories, 2023, 22 (1), pp.174. ⟨10.1186/s12934-023-02183-2⟩. ⟨hal-04208410⟩
- Elodie Villalonga, Christine Mosrin, Thierry Normand, Caroline Girardin, Amandine Serrano, et al.. LIM Kinases, LIMK1 and LIMK2, Are Crucial Node Actors of the Cell Fate: Molecular to Pathological Features. Cells, 2023, 12 (5), pp.805. ⟨10.3390/cells12050805⟩. ⟨hal-04208405⟩
- Bojan Žunar, Taiga Ito, Christine Mosrin, Yoshiyuki Sugahara, Hélène Bénédetti, et al.. Confocal imaging of biomarkers at a single-cell resolution: quantifying 'living' in 3D-printable engineered living material based on Pluronic F-127 and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biomaterials Research, 2022, 26, pp.85. ⟨10.1186/s40824-022-00337-8⟩. ⟨hal-03926884⟩
- Rayan Berabez, Sylvain Routier, Hélène Bénédetti, Karen Plé, Béatrice Vallée. LIM kinases, promising but reluctant therapeutic targets: chemistry and preclinical validation in vivo. Cells, 2022, 11 (13), pp.2090. ⟨10.3390/cells11132090⟩. ⟨hal-03721458⟩
- Bojan Žunar, Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Hélène Bénédetti, Béatrice Vallée. Re-engineering of CUP1 promoter and Cup2/Ace1 transactivator to convert Saccharomyces cerevisiae into a whole-cell eukaryotic biosensor capable of detecting 10 nM of bioavailable copper. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 214, pp.114502. ⟨10.1016/j.bios.2022.114502⟩. ⟨hal-03820214⟩
- Kossi Efouako Soklou, Hamid Marzag, Béatrice Vallée, Sylvain Routier, Karen Plé. Synthesis of Heterospirocycles through Gold‐(I) Catalysis, Useful Building Blocks for Medicinal Chemistry. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2021, ⟨10.1002/adsc.202101080⟩. ⟨hal-03411162⟩
- Frédéric Buron, Nuno Rodrigues, Thibault Saurat, Marie-Aude Hiebel, Stéphane Bourg, et al.. Design, Synthesis and SAR in 2,4,7-Trisubstituted Pyrido[3,2-d]Pyrimidine Series as Novel PI3K/mTOR Inhibitors. Molecules, 2021, 26 (17), pp.5349. ⟨10.3390/molecules26175349⟩. ⟨hal-03348966⟩
- Mohammed Bergoug, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Béatrice Vallée, et al.. Neurofibromin Structure, Functions and Regulation. Cells, 2020, 9, ⟨10.3390/cells9112365⟩. ⟨hal-03070759v2⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, Hélène Bénédetti. Characterization at the Molecular Level using Robust Biochemical Approaches of a New Kinase Protein. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 2019, 148, pp.e59820. ⟨10.3791/59820⟩. ⟨hal-02282630⟩
- Julie Tastet, Hélène Cuberos, Béatrice Vallée, Annick Toutain, Martine Raynaud, et al.. LIMK2-1 is a Hominidae-Specific Isoform of LIMK2 Expressed in Central Nervous System and Associated with Intellectual Disability. Neuroscience, 2019, 399, pp.199-210. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroscience.2018.12.017⟩. ⟨hal-02067472⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Hélène Cuberos, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, David Gosset, et al.. LIMK2-1, a new isoform of human LIMK2, regulates actin cytoskeleton remodeling via a different signaling pathway than that of its two homologs, LIMK2a and LIMK2b. Biochemical Journal, 2018, 475 (23), pp.3745-3761. ⟨hal-01966439⟩
- A. de Cola, M. Franceschini, A. Di Matteo, G. Colotti, R. Celani, et al.. N6L pseudopeptide interferes with nucleophosmin protein-protein interactions and sensitizes leukemic cells to chemotherapy. Cancer Letters, 2018, 412, pp.272-282. ⟨10.1016/j.canlet.2017.10.038⟩. ⟨hal-02350445⟩
- B. Vallée, L. Larrède, V. Willaume, A. Pascual, S. Meineri. Effets à long terme d’une stratégie engageante : augmenter le nombre d’adhésions de l’association sportive d’un collège mahorais. Pratiques Psychologiques, 2016, 22 (4), pp.353-362. ⟨10.1016/j.prps.2016.07.002⟩. ⟨hal-02493232⟩
- H. Cuberos, B. Vallée, P. Vourc'H, J. Tastet, C.R. Andres, et al.. Roles of LIM kinases in central nervous system function and dysfunction. FEBS Letters, 2015, 589 (24PartB), pp.3795-3806. ⟨10.1016/j.febslet.2015.10.032⟩. ⟨hal-02072231⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, Aurélie Gombault, Aurélie Tchalikian-Cosson, et al.. Nf1 RasGAP Inhibition of LIMK2 Mediates a New Cross-Talk between Ras and Rho Pathways. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (10), pp.e47283. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0047283⟩. ⟨hal-03054185⟩
- Fabienne Godin, Sandrine Villette, Béatrice Vallée, Michel Doudeau, Séverine Morisset-Lopez, et al.. A fraction of neurofibromin interacts with PML bodies in the nucleus of the CCF astrocytoma cell line.. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2012, 418 (4), pp.689-94. ⟨10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.01.079⟩. ⟨hal-00721861⟩
- Martine Beaufour, Fabienne Godin, Béatrice Vallée, Martine Cadene, Hélène Bénédetti. Interaction Proteomics Suggests a New Role for the Tfs1 Protein in Yeast.. Journal of Proteome Research, 2012, 11 (6), pp.3211-3218. ⟨10.1021/pr201239t⟩. ⟨hal-00721771⟩
- Julie Tastet, Patrick Vourc'H, Frédéric Laumonnier, Béatrice Vallée, Carole Michelle, et al.. LIMK2d, a truncated isoform of Lim kinase 2 regulates neurite growth in absence of the LIM kinase domain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2012, 420 (2), pp.247-252. ⟨10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.02.134⟩. ⟨hal-01136281⟩
- Aurélie Gombault, Jonas Warringer, Robert Caesar, Fabienne Godin, Béatrice Vallée, et al.. A phenotypic study of TFS1 mutants differentially altered in the inhibition of Ira2p or CPY. FEMS Yeast Research, 2009, 9 (6), pp.867-874. ⟨10.1111/j.1567-1364.2009.00535.x⟩. ⟨hal-00522432⟩
- A. Pascual, L. Dagot, B. Vallée, N. Gueguen. Soumission sans pression, médiatisation d’un tsunami et don d’argent : efficacité comparée de la porte-au-nez et du « vous êtes libre de… ». European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 2009, 59 (1), pp.79-84. ⟨10.1016/j.erap.2006.07.003⟩. ⟨hal-02493142⟩
- Aurélie Gombault, Fabienne Godin, Denise Sy, Baptiste Legrand, Hélène Chautard, et al.. Molecular Basis of the Tfs1/Ira2 Interaction: A Combined Protein Engineering and Molecular Modelling Study. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2007, 374 (3), pp.604-617. ⟨10.1016/j.jmb.2007.09.057⟩. ⟨hal-00181161⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, H. Riezman. Lip 1p: a novel subunit of acyl-CoA ceramide synthase. EMBO Journal, 2005, 24, pp.730-741. ⟨hal-00088715⟩
- Kouichi Funato, Ruben Lombardi, Béatrice Vallée, Howard Riezman. Lcb4p Is a Key Regulator of Ceramide Synthesis from Exogenous Long Chain Sphingoid Base in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2003, 278 (9), pp.7325-7334. ⟨10.1074/jbc.M209925200⟩. ⟨hal-02118660⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, G Coadou, H. Labbé, D. Sy, F. Vovelle, et al.. Peptides corresponding to the N- and C-terminal parts of PEBP are well-structured in solution: new insights into their possible interaction with partners in vivo.. Journal of Peptide Research, 2003, 61 (2), pp.47-57. ⟨hal-02118669⟩
- Kouichi Funato, Béatrice Vallée, Howard Riezman. Biosynthesis and Trafficking of Sphingolipids in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae †. Biochemistry, 2002, 41 (51), pp.15105-15114. ⟨10.1021/bi026616d⟩. ⟨hal-02118664⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, P Tauc, J Brochon, M Maget-Dana, D. Lelièvre, et al.. Behaviour of bovine phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein with model membranes. Evidence of affinity for negatively charged membranes.. European Journal of Biochemistry, 2001, 268 (22), pp.5831-41. ⟨hal-02118681⟩
- D Schorling, Béatrice Vallée, Wolfgang Barz, Howard Riezman, Dieter Oesterhelt. Lag1p and Lac1p Are Essential for the Acyl-CoA–dependent Ceramide Synthase Reaction in Saccharomyces cerevisae. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2001, 12 (11), pp.3417-3427. ⟨10.1091/mbc.12.11.3417⟩. ⟨hal-02118674⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Caroline Teyssier, R. Maget-Dana, J. Ramstein, N. Bureaud, et al.. Stability and physicochemical properties of the bovine brain phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein.. European Journal of Biochemistry, 1999, 266 (1), pp.40-52. ⟨hal-02118686⟩
- C. Serre, Béatrice Vallée, N. Bureaud, F. Schoentgen, C. Zelwer. Crystal structure of the phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein from bovine brain: a novel structural class of phospholipid-binding proteins.. Structure, 1998, 6 (10), pp.1255-65. ⟨hal-02118689⟩
Communication dans un congrès14 documents
- Karen Plé, Béatrice Vallée. Les LIM kinases, des cibles thérapeutiques d’intérêt : de la conception de petites molécules inhibitrices aux premiers essais précliniques. Journée scientifique du réseau Cancers des Tissus Hormono-dépendants (CASTHOR), Cancéropôle Grand Ouest, Dec 2022, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-04823051⟩
- Karen Plé, Franck Verrecchia, Béatrice Vallée, Régis Brion, Rayan Berabez, et al.. Un nouvel inhibiteur des LIMKs, l'AC429, bloque la croissance des tumeurs primaires d'ostéosarcome. Cancéropôle Grand Ouest, colloque du réseau Molécules marines, métabolisme et cancer, May 2022, Mansigné, France. ⟨hal-04820416⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Hélène Bénédetti. Séminaire invité : Signalisation cellulaire et Neurofibromatose. Journées NF, Sep 2021, Orléans, France. ⟨hal-03560050⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Hélène Bénédetti, Régis Guégan, Bojan Zunar. Life in the bioink: Physiology and energetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae embedded in polymerized Pluronic F127-DMA, a “smart” thermoresponsive hydrogel. ICY15 meets 30ICYGMB, The spirit of Yeast, Aug 2021, Vienne, virtual, Austria. ⟨hal-03559939⟩
- Justine Corret, Sokaina Hammoud, Frédéric Buron, Pierre Daligaux, Christophe Chesné, et al.. Development of a bioactive fluorescent inhibitor probe targeting the Rho kinase ROCK for monitoring inhibition action. FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Virtual, France. ⟨hal-03668584⟩
- N Laroui, C Delehedde, C Goncalves, F Godin, Federico Perche, et al.. High Efficiency of Histidylated-based Lipid Formulations for mRNA Transfection of Human Schwann Cells. SFNano 2021, Dec 2021, Angers, France. ⟨hal-03668422⟩
- H. Bénédetti, Béatrice Vallée, A. Cosson, F. Godin, M. Doudeau. Les LIM kinases : nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques anti-cancer. Journée scientifique du réseau « Cancers hormonaux–dépendants » du Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest, Apr 2019, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-02928496⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, K. Plé, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, et al.. Détermination et mise en œuvre d’un modèle in vivo pour tester de nouveaux inhibiteurs originaux des LIM kinases, cibles thérapeutiques émergentes dans le cancer. Cancéropôle Grand Ouest, Colloque du Réseau Molécules marines, métabolisme et cancer, May 2019, Mansigné, France. ⟨hal-02928507⟩
- M. Bergoug, A. Cosson, D. Casas, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, et al.. Neurofibromin, a new SUMO target involved in neurofibromatosis type 1 disease. 6th LIA Workshop on "Biomarkers and mediators of diseases and new approaches in repair/regenerative therapies, Jun 2019, Varsovie, Poland. ⟨hal-02928511⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Karen Plé, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, et al.. Développement de petites molécules inhibitrices des LIM kinases, nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour lutter contre le cancer, les maladies neurologiques et la neurofibromatose. Journée Fédération CBM-ICOA, Jan 2018, Orléans, France. ⟨hal-02928530⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, S. Routier, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, et al.. Développement de modulateurs des LIM kinases. Cancéropôle Grand Ouest - 14e colloque du Réseau Produits de la mer en cancérologie - 5e colloque du Réseau Canaux ioniques et cancer, May 2018, Mansigné, France. ⟨hal-02928559⟩
- M. Bergoug, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, Béatrice Vallée, et al.. Study of the sumoylation of neurofibromin, the protein responsible for neurofibromatosis type 1. Joint Global Neurofibromatosis Conference 2018, Nov 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02928220⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F Godin, A. Braka, et al.. Neurofibromatosis type I: from basic to applied research. 4th LIA Workshop, Jun 2017, Cracovie, Poland. ⟨hal-02928517⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Hélène Bénédetti, F. Godin, M. Doudeau. Study of new partners of neurofibromin: an approach to identify novel therapeutic targets for neurofibromatosis type 1. 17th European Neurofibromatosis meeting, Sep 2016, Albano-Terme, Italy. ⟨hal-02928226⟩
Poster24 documents
- Mohammed Bergoug, Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Amandine Serrano, Fabienne Godin, Michel Doudeau, et al.. Characterization of a new Post Translational Modification of Neurofibromin: atypical structural requirements for its SUMOylation. 2024 Global NF Conference, Jun 2024, Brussels, Belgium. ⟨hal-03679991⟩
- Hélène Bénédetti, Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Mohammed Bergoug, Amandine Serrano, Fabienne Godin, et al.. Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of Pathogenicity in Destabilized variants of Neurofibromin mutated in its SecPH domain. 2024 Global NF Conference, Jun 2024, Brussels (Belgium), Belgium. ⟨hal-04779581⟩
- Bojan Zunar, Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Hélène Bénédetti, Régis Guégan, Béatrice Vallée. Stressed by hydrogel? Physiological response of yeast cells embedded in thermoresponsive Pluronic F127: a prerequisite for bioreactor development. FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ⟨hal-03679975⟩
- Mélissa Thomas, Lauren Blot, Kevin Lesage, Fabienne Godin, Michel Doudeau, et al.. New molecular insights into the crosstalk between Rho/ROCK/LIMK2/cofilin signalling pathway and Nf1. 2021 NF1 virtual conference, Jun 2021, Virtual, France. ⟨hal-03679999⟩
- Justine Corret, Sokaina Hammoud, Frédéric Buron, Pierre Daligaux, Christophe Chesné, et al.. Development of a bioactive fluorescent inhibitor probe targeting the Rho kinase ROCK for monitoring inhibition action. FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Lnubljana, virtual, Slovenia. ⟨hal-03679980⟩
- N Laroui, C Delehedde, Cristine Gonçalves, F Godin, F Perche, et al.. High Efficiency of Histidylated-based Lipid Formulations for mRNA Transfection of Human Schwann Cells. 10th mRNA Health Conference, Nov 2021, Berlin, Germany. ⟨hal-03668434⟩
- Elodie Villalonga, Célina Chalal, Déborah Cassas, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, et al.. New insights into the regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics via the Rho/ROCK/LIMK2/cofilin signalling pathway: a novel mechanism of regulation of cofilin by LIMK2. FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Ljubljana, virtual, Slovenia. ⟨hal-03680139⟩
- Christine Mosrin-Huaman, Mohammed Bergoug, Fabienne Godin, Michel Doudeau, Iva Sosic, et al.. Sumoylation of Neurofibromin and its SecPH Domain Plays a Role in Their Functions and Implies Unexpected Structural Requirements. 2021 NF1 virtual conference, Jun 2021, Virtual, France. ⟨hal-03680001⟩
- H. Bénédetti, Béatrice Vallée, J. Tastet, H. Cubéros, A. Toutain, et al.. Molecular and functional characterization of LIMK2-1, a hominidae-specific isoform of LIMK2 associated with intellectual disability. NeuroFrance 2019, May 2019, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-02924881⟩
- H. Bénédetti, M. Bergoug, I. Sošic, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, et al.. Study of the different forms of sumoylation of the neurofibromin SecPH domain. EMBO Workshop "The ubiquitin system: Biology, mechanisms and roles in disease", Sep 2019, Cavtat, Croatia. ⟨hal-02924090⟩
- M. Bergoug, I. Sošic, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, Béatrice Vallée, et al.. Neurofibromin, a new SUMO target involved in neurofibromatosis type 1 disease. EMBO Workshop "The ubiquitin system: Biology, mechanisms and roles in disease", Sep 2019, Cavtat, Croatia. ⟨hal-02924095⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, A. Champiré, et al.. LIM kinases, new therapeutic targets to treat cancers, neurological disorders and Neurofibromatosis: development of small molecule inhibitors. FEBS Meeting 2019, Jul 2019, Cracovie, Poland. ⟨hal-02924140⟩
- Christine Mosrin-Huaman, B. Handelaoui, H. Bénédetti, Béatrice Vallée. Yeast biosensors to detect environmental pollutants into effluent waters. ICYGMB XXIX International Congress on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Aug 2019, Göteborg, Sweden. ⟨hal-02924111⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, A. Champiré, et al.. Development of small molecule inhibitors of LIM kinases, new therapeutic targets to treat Neurofibromatosis type I. Joint Global Neurofibromatosis Conference 2018, Nov 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02924077⟩
- H. Bénédetti, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, Béatrice Vallée, A. Cosson, et al.. LARP6, a RNA−binding protein involved in translation and stability of collagen mRNA, is a new partner of Neurofibromin: Molecular studies and functional implications. Joint Global Neurofibromatosis Conference 2018, Nov 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02924084⟩
- M. Bergoug, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, Béatrice Vallée, et al.. Study of the sumoylation of neurofibromin, the protein responsible for neurofibromatosis type 1. EMBO Conference "Ubiquitin and SUMO: from molecular mechanisms to system-wide responses, Sep 2017, Cavtat, Croatia. ⟨hal-02924070⟩
- A. Champiré, A. Braka, Béatrice Vallée, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, et al.. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of LIMK inhibitors. XXIVe Journées Jeunes Chercheurs (SCT), Feb 2017, Châtenay-Malabry, France. ⟨hal-02904837⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, A. Cosson, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, Anthony Champiré, et al.. LIM Kinases: new anticancer therapeutic targets. Breast Cancer Symposium, Jun 2017, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-03680148⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Michel Doudeau, F. Godin, H. Cubéros, A. Champiré, et al.. Projet Région LiCorNe: LIMK protein inhibitors, new therapeutic agents for treatment of cognitive disorders associated with type I Neurofibromatosis. Journée Fédération PCV FR2708, Jan 2016, Orléans, France. ⟨hal-02924056⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Hélène Cuberos, Julie Tastet, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, et al.. LIMK2-1, a new primate-specific isoform of LIMK2, is associated with intellectual disability. 10 th FENS (Forum of Neurosciences), Jul 2016, Copenhague, Denmark. . ⟨hal-02453486⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, Anthony Champiré, Karen Plé, et al.. LIM kinases: new therapeutic targets to treat Neurofibromatosis type I. The 7th EMBO meeting, Sep 2016, Mannheim, Germany. . ⟨hal-02453490⟩
- A. Champiré, A. Braka, Béatrice Vallée, M. Doudeau, F. Godin, et al.. Conception, synthèse et évaluation biologique d’inhibiteurs de LIM kinases. 29e colloque de Biotechnocentre, Oct 2016, Seillac, France. ⟨hal-02904847⟩
- Béatrice Vallée, Hélène Cuberos, Michel Doudeau, Fabienne Godin, Patrick Vourc’h, et al.. The three isoforms of human LIMK2 regulate actin cytoskeleton remodeling via different pathways. EMBL Symposium, Actin in action: From Molecules to Cellular Functions, Sep 2016, Heidelberg, Germany. . ⟨hal-02453489⟩
- Hélène Bénédetti, Fabienne Godin, Michel Doudeau, Béatrice Vallée, Marie-Ludivine De Tauzia, et al.. LINGO-1, a protein involved in various neurodevelopmental processes, interacts with neurofibromin (Nf1), the protein responsible for neurofibromatosis type I: molecular studies and functional implications. 10 th FENS (Forum of Neuroscience), Jul 2016, Copenhague, Denmark. ⟨hal-02453487⟩
Brevet1 document
- Sylvain Routier, Hélène Bénédetti, Béatrice Vallée, Pascal Bonnet, Karen Plé, et al.. 4-(7H-Pyrrolo[2,3-D]pyrimidin-4-yl)-3,6-dihydropyridine-(2H)-carboxamide derivatives as Limk and/or Rock kinases inhibitors for use in the treatment of cancer. France, Patent n° : WO2021239727 A1. AMV. 2021. ⟨hal-03555349⟩
Pré-publication, Document de travail1 document
- Mohammed Bergoug, Christine Mosrin, Fabienne Godin, Michel Doudeau, Iva Sosic, et al.. Noncanonical structural requirements of neurofibromin SUMOylation reveal a folding-deficiency of several pathogenic mutants. 2022. ⟨hal-03668582⟩
HDR1 document
- Béatrice Vallée. Etudes de différentes voies de transduction du signal afin de mettre à jour de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires et de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire. Université d'Orléans, 2020. ⟨tel-03560017⟩