GDR AIM brings together French research groups developing chemistry processes for imaging.
Their complementary skills will help identify and remove scientific locks and challenges to assist in the development of molecular imaging and theranostics probes for optical, nuclear and magnetic resonance imaging applications in order to:
-facilitate early diagnosis, characterize the progression of the disease, evaluate the effectiveness of treatment in clinic,
-make investigative tools available for biomedical research.
Voir aussi dans «Networks»
Cosmactifs – GDR 3711
La mission principale du GDR Cosmactifs est de favoriser l'avancée des connaissances dans des thématiques « cosmétiques » en lien avec les soins de la peau du visage et du corps, pour des propriétés diverses et variées (hydratante, raffermissante, amincissante, dépigmentante, antitaches, antirides, anti-âge, protection solaire, peaux grasses, …).
MuFoPAM network
Just like the GDR3625 MuFoPAM “Multi-Function of Antimicrobial Peptides” before it, the 1901 law association “MuFoPAM network” brings together French research teams interested in antimicrobial peptides (PAMs). Céline Landon is one of the founding members (web suite under construction).