Undergraduate and graduate training is an important activity at CBM. Our scientists are involved in various teaching and educational tasks, including lectures at the University of Orléans, mentoring of students, and hosting of trainees in their laboratories.
About twenty lecturers and professors from the University of Orléans carry out their research at CBM, thereby ensuring a strong link between research and teaching, and contributing to the quality of the courses provided by the University. CBM staff is involved in teaching and training activities at the Bachelor, Master, and PhD levels. Practical training (Master level) is provided within our research laboratories and core facilities. The non-university scientists of CBM (CNRS researchers and engineers) are also involved in training. Most teaching activities are part of the “Biology / Biochemistry”, “Chemistry” and “Physics / Engineering Sciences” departments of the Collegium “Sciences and Techniques” of the University of Orléans“.
CBM professors and scientists are particularly involved in the following Master programs:
-Master “Life Sciences”; Biotechnologies, Molecular & cellular biology” International Mobility is possible through preparation of a joint French-Polish diploma (partnership with the Jagiellonian University of Krakow).
-Master « Molecular chemistry » ; specialty “chemical design and synthesis ».
-Master in Engineering « Chemistry for therapeutic innovation and cosmetics (CITC) ».
Hosting of PhD students and trainees:
About thirty graduate students from the graduate school “Health, Biological Sciences and Life Sciences” ED 549 ” prepare their PhD thesis within the research teams of CBM.
Every year, CBM teams also host ~70 undergraduate trainees in biochemistry, biology, physics, chemistry, computer science, documentation techniques, etc.