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March 19, 2019 - external seminar of Professor and Dean Surajit SENGUPTA
Crystals, proteins and spatial patterning of colloidal particles: a low dimensional collective coordinate
for deformation
Kevin Moreau will support his thesis on 21 March 2019
March 15, 2019 - external seminar of Kyle PHUA
Host gene expression inhibition: a novel immune evasion property that facilitates mRNA translation and possibly much more
March 8, 2019 - external seminar of Dr Marc DHENAIN
Multimodal integrative imaging and therapy of Alzheimer's disease: From the imaging of amyloid plaques by MRI to 3D histopathology
Escape Game - Week of the brain - 11 to 15th of march 2019
During the week of the brain 2019, come and take part to an escape game which has been designed by researchers of the group "Cibles pharmacologiques et biomarqueurs" of the CBM and of the team "Neurotoxicité et développement" of the INEM laboratory !
seminar "Bees societies, human societies, an interdependence from prehistory to the future"
On january 24th and 25th, Jean-Marc BONMATIN co-organized this seminar at the CNRS headquarters in Paris, where the challenges fo sustainable beekeeping have been discussed.
A new interpretation of neutron scattering spectra
In an article in PNAS, Professor G. R. Kneller gives a new interpretation of neutron scattering spectra by molecular systems inspired by the Franck-Condon theory.
Cover page of a volume of the journal "Chemistry-A European Journal"
CBM researchers make the cover page of a volume of the journal "Chemistry-A European Journal" during a work dedicated to the creation and rationalization of the behavior of Erbium complexes, formed with a new generation of ligands, to generate the luminescence of Er which is rarely observed in the visible range for a molecular compound. The results of this work, carried out in close collaboration with researchers from the Chemistry Section of the University of Geneva in Switzerland, open up major new perspectives in the field of higher molecular energy converters.
CBM researchers have created the first method for detecting non-covalent complexes of biomolecules by MALDI mass spectrometry based on liquid deposits
So far, the standard approach for analyzing molecule complexes in native mass spectrometry, ie by keeping the complexes intact in the instrument, used electrospray to produce the ions to be detected. MALDI ionization, however, has many advantages, such as reduced sample consumption and better tolerance to certain additives or contaminants, and its use opens new perspectives in native mass spectrometry.
CBM researchers have worked out a new generation of metallacryptates
CBM researchers, in collaboration with the team of Professor Vincent L. Pecoraro of the University of Michigan in the United States, have created a new generation of metal cryptates incorporating cations with a very particular architecture. The compounds belonging to this family combine original magnetic properties of slow relaxation with luminescence properties in the visible and in the near-infrared.
CBM researchers involved in an effort to structure Nanomedicine research at European level.
Great meeting of the National Nanomedicine Platforms organized by NOBEL during ETPN2018, May 29, in Berlin.
The first computational method to predict Rho-dependent termination of transcription.
This method, based on multivariate statistical modeling of a large set of experimental data generated for the occasion, allows the prediction of potential sites of Rho-dependent transcription termination at the level of whole bacterial genomes.
MicroRNA-Based Drugs for Brain Tumors
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are key regulatory elements encoded by the genome. A single miRNA can downregulate the expression of multiple genes involved in diverse functions. Because cancer is a disease with multiple gene aberrations, developing novel approaches to identify and modulate miRNA pathways may result in a breakthrough for cancer treatment. With a special focus on glioblastoma (GBM), this review provides an up-to-date summary of miRNA biogenesis, the role of miRNA in cancer resistance, and essential tools for modulating miRNA expression, as well as of clinically promising RNAi delivery systems and how they can be adapted for therapy.
Article in "Methods in Enzymology" by the team "Hélicases et ARN : mécanismes, ciblage et bio-mimétisme"
Nucleotide analog interference mapping (NAIM) is a combinatorial approach that probes individual atoms and functional groups in an RNA molecule and identifies those that are important for a specific biochemical function. Here, we show how NAIM can be adapted to reveal functionally important atoms and groups on RNA substrates of helicases. We explain how NAIM can be used to investigate translocation and unwinding mechanisms of helicases and discuss the advantages and limitations of this powerful chemogenetic approach.
News june 2009
In the second tender of the Regional Center in 2008, a collaborative project between the CBM and ICOA was selected for regional funding.
Three teams involved in the « OVO-MINING » ANR project led par Yves Nys (INRA Nouzilly France)
The chicken egg is a model of particular interest since it contains all the components that are essential for embryonic development in a closed chamber exposed to a putative aggressive milieu.
Molecular traps for DNA repair enzymes, a way for cancers and aging diseases therapies
The challenge for DNA glycosylases, enzymes involved in the base excision repair pathway, such Fpg and hOgg1, is to identify and remove one lesion among millions of undamaged bases by not only identifying small lesions that didn’t cause large disruptions of local DNA structures, but also by accommodating and processing bulky lesions using the same active site.
Publication of the book « Radiation chemistry: from basics to applications in material and life sciences »
This book gives a progress report on the many and original contributions of radiation chemistry to the fundamental knowledge of the vast domain of chemical reactions and its applications.